
Omduth Coceal
Curriculum Vitae
I went to school in Mauritius. Then I got a scholarship to study at a UK university. I chose to do a BSc in physics at Imperial College London. I then did a PhD in theoretical physics at Queen Mary University of London.
GCE O Levels: 6 A-A*, 1B and 1C. A Levels: A in Maths, Physics, Chemistry, French, GP. Undergrad: First Class Hons. in Physics. Postgrad: PhD in Theoretical Physics
Work History:
I taught maths and science at a secondary school in Mauritius just after my A levels and before starting university. After my PhD I was employed as a research scientist at the University of Reading, where I have been ever since.
Current Job:
Senior Research Scientist
University of Reading
About Me
I solve equations for work and fun
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I live in the Costwolds with my wife and daughter. When I’m not working I like going for walks in the woods and enjoy the countryside views. I like nature and am a vegan. I don’t think humans are any more special than other animals. Some animals can count too.
How I Use Maths In My Job:
Most people never use much of the maths they learnt at school. Things are very different for me, because I use maths all the time in my job! This includes all the topics in the school curriculum and also more complicated stuff like calculus. Much of science is written in the language of maths. To solve problems in air pollution or climate science we need to solve equations. Sometimes we can do this using pen and paper. But most of the time the equations are too complicated and we have to write codes that are then solved using computers. This is the type of work I do daily.
My Work
I use maths to understand the science of the environment and to solve some of its problems
My Typical Day
I like to start the day with something challenging, like solving a difficult equation or writing computer code to do something new. But it doesn't always work that way. Often I have to reply to "urgent" emails from other people who need help solving their own problems! I try to leave the more boring things (like paperwork or meetings) for later in the day. It is difficult to stop working in the evenings. After dinner I am usually exhausted and so I try to relax with the family or with a good book.
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Curious, quiet, bookish
What or who inspired you to follow your career?
My teachers and reading about science and scientists
What's your favourite use for maths in everyday life?
Spotting patterns and behaviours that can be explained with maths
What did you think about Maths when you were in school?
Fun and exciting
What did you want to be after you left school?
A paleontologico-physico-mathematician
Were you ever in trouble at school?
I once got a detention for missing PE and going to the library instead.
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
Writing books
Who is your favourite singer or band?
Hmmm... I could make something up, but I won't
What's your favourite food?
Porridge (seriously)
What is the most fun thing you've done?
Solve maths equations
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
Unlearn all the untrue things I've been led to believe, Learn everything worth knowing, Have 3 more wishes
Tell us a joke.
There are 3 types of people in the world. Those who can count and those who can't.