
Natasha Ellison
Curriculum Vitae
I am from Poynton, near Manchester, and I went to Vernon Primary and Poynton High School.
I did 10 GCSEs and I've forgotten most of them but I loved art, woodwork and science! I studied mathematics at university and then learnt how to be a teacher!
Work History:
I worked in the Co-op for a year, Tesco for three years and Netto for three years! I also worked in lots of pubs as a student. After university I worked at Silverdale secondary school as a maths teacher.
Current Job:
Researcher in Mathematical Patterns
About Me
I'm a mathematician from Sheffield and I work on understanding more about animals and patterns in nature!
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I live in the north of England, really close to the peak district and I love going on walks and spotting different types of wildlife.
I also love travelling across the world and my favourite place is a rainforest! In 2018 I travelled to Guyana to search for the most powerful bird in the world – the Harpy Eagle!
I’ve only recently learnt how to swim and I really enjoy snorkelling. Here I am with the biggest fish in the world… do you know what that is?
Even though I love maths, I would really like to be working with animals too! Here is a picture of my lovely cat
How I Use Maths In My Job:
In my job I use all kinds of mathematics!
I count how many animals there are in a population of animals and I also count how many spots there are on a cheetah! How many are here?
I use fractions and decimals to describe how much colour is on an animal…what fraction of this cow is white?
I solve big algebraic equations to make to try and understand how this fish got these patterns, do you know what this fish is?
I use measurements to understand how big an animals territory, how wide are wolves territories?
I use statistics and probability to help predict where I might find an animal based on its habitat. What do you think the most likely habitat is to find a Golden Eagle?
You can hear more about my work in this short film I made:
My Work
I am a mathematical biologist and I work on understanding how animals move around their habitat. I also work on understanding where patterns in nature come from, for example a cheetahs spots!
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I work in Sheffield, most of the time I work at my computer:
Sometimes I teach…..
and sometimes I go into the peak district to look for birds and visit the biologists who collect data for me! The biologists search for these birds, do you know what they are?
My Interview
What or who inspired you to follow your career?
Alan Turing
What's your favourite use for maths in everyday life?
Cutting up cake to share!
What did you think about Maths when you were in school?
I liked algebra but I preferred art. I had no idea that mathematics was so interesting until university.
What did you want to be after you left school?
A zookeeper! Or maybe a professional cat sitter
Were you ever in trouble at school?
I definitely had a problem with being late...
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
I would love to be a doctor and understand more about medicine and our bodies
Who is your favourite singer or band?
the spice girls
What's your favourite food?
a madras curry
What is the most fun thing you've done?
Definitely camping in the rainforest with snakes and spiders!
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
1. To fly everywhere and never get tired! 2. For everyone in the world to have money 3. To live in the jungle
Tell us a joke.
Why was 6 afraid of 7?