Yes I work with Passenger jet planes. I haven’t worked on fighter jets but I have also worked on air-to-air refuelling tankers planes which can be used with fighters.
I work in area called ultrasonic non-destructive testing. Like in medical imaging, we can send sound waves into solid objects and, by ‘listening’ (using special equipment, not out ears!) to the way these sound waves change when they interact with the object, we can create images of its inside. So we can effectively look inside solid objects without cutting them up! So I have applied this method to look at air craft components and create pictures of any flaws that may be embedded in the object. This is how we ensure aircraft are safe to fly.
Chris commented on :
Jets also occur in the atmosphere .. they are a type of air flow which affects our weather a lot. Part of my work involves calculating these
Chelsea commented on :
Yes I do 🙂
Katy commented on :
I work in area called ultrasonic non-destructive testing. Like in medical imaging, we can send sound waves into solid objects and, by ‘listening’ (using special equipment, not out ears!) to the way these sound waves change when they interact with the object, we can create images of its inside. So we can effectively look inside solid objects without cutting them up! So I have applied this method to look at air craft components and create pictures of any flaws that may be embedded in the object. This is how we ensure aircraft are safe to fly.