• Question: Who inspired you to study maths?

    Asked by anon-1924 on 2 Jul 2020.
    • Photo: Hannah West

      Hannah West answered on 2 Jul 2020:

      I’m not sure one particular person inspired me to study maths. My inspiration was because I loved space and wanted to understand more. However, my current mathematical inspiration in Katherine Johnson. She was a mathematician for NASA who overcame sexism and racism to help put men into space.

    • Photo: Chris Budd

      Chris Budd answered on 2 Jul 2020:

      I have been inspired by many people. My grandfather, who was a scientist during the War was my first big inspiration. I have also had some amazing teachers, some of whom I am still in touch with. More recently it has been having great colleagues. Never forget that maths is a people based activity and that mathematicians are great people.

    • Photo: Cesare Giulio Ardito

      Cesare Giulio Ardito answered on 10 Jul 2020:

      Many people have merits in showing me various areas of mathematics and their beauty, but as far as being inspired… No particular person. I have always loved mathematics!
