I remember having a bit of a ‘mind blown’ moment at university when I found out that there are different sizes of infinity (there are infinitely many fractions and infinitely many decimals, but there are far more decimals than fractions – it’s a bigger class of infinity). These days I see others do full 2.5 hour workshops on infinity and you can almost see the students brains stretching, it’s great – one of my favourite Masterclasses (done by someone else) is on infinity. I also look at things like fractals in the sessions I do, which link to infinite series and patterns. Good topics to look up for more info are Cantor’s Diagonal Argument and Hilbert’s Hotel.
They ARE interesting. Particulalry that some series of decreasing fractions have finite limits, other not. they are related ot other objects such as pi, exponent e that are non-rational. Pythagoras knew that √2 was irrational – some say he was so upset at discovery of irrationals he committed suicide. for othere such as Cantor and Erasthones these wierd facts, only discoverable by maths, were inspirationla
Diana commented on :
They ARE interesting. Particulalry that some series of decreasing fractions have finite limits, other not. they are related ot other objects such as pi, exponent e that are non-rational. Pythagoras knew that √2 was irrational – some say he was so upset at discovery of irrationals he committed suicide. for othere such as Cantor and Erasthones these wierd facts, only discoverable by maths, were inspirationla
Maja commented on :
I love them!
It’s especially cool that some of them sum to infinity and some into a function (for example exponential function).