• Question: who is the best mathematician in the world {your opinion}

    Asked by idontlikemycat on 13 Jan 2020. This question was also asked by elasticseeker77, coolfi123.
    • Photo: Sreejita Ghosh

      Sreejita Ghosh answered on 13 Jan 2020:

      I am nobody to decide ‘best’ so I am answering who my favourites are.
      From historical times I would say Thomas Bayes for setting up for Bayesian Statistics, and Leonhard Euler because I like the Euler’s formula – it made complex numbers fun for me.
      From a much more recent historical time, my favourite is Alan Turing for laying down the foundation to modern computing and AI.

    • Photo: Andrew Harrison

      Andrew Harrison answered on 13 Jan 2020:

      I’d ask you, how you define best? It’s a very important question and a lot more subtle than you might think.

      There’s rarely one way to define best in any given situation.
