• Question: why is algebra needed in life?

    Asked by owenflott on 11 Jan 2020. This question was also asked by annabelpenny.
    • Photo: Andrew Harrison

      Andrew Harrison answered on 11 Jan 2020:

      Algebra is at the core of optimisation, machine learning and artificial intelligence.

      These technologies route supermarket delivery vans, make sure you can make a mobile phone call or send a text, recommend movies or music for you, drive the supply chain that allows Amazon to deliver to your doorstep the next day and makes sure the shops are stocked with food, clothes etc., keeps the internet running, power Google, makes sure there’s always electricity when you switch on the light or the power to charge your tablet, schedule trains and flights … the list goes on and on.

      And that’s only some examples of how algebra is used in optimisation, machine learning and artificial intelligence. There are many other areas where algebra is used.
