More ways of taking part in I’m a Mathematician

We understand that schools may face issues in taking part in I’m a Mathematician in the “usual” way.

I’m a Mathematician is flexible to fit your requirements, to allow all students to access STEM enrichment.

Even if students are unable to access I’m a Mathematician during lesson times, they can still get involved outside of school.

If students have computer access at home, you could set the activity for homework.

They can:

  • Send questions in Ask any time
  • Join an after school booked live chat – chat bookings are open until 5 pm
  • Join weekly evening live chats – Thursdays 7 to 8pm

Or, run I’m a Mathematician as a class activity without the need for individual computers.

Our suggested lesson plans work with minimal computer access.

Book a session to chat as a class. Ask questions through your teacher account, and display on a projector for students to follow. You can then download and print the transcript at the end to go through with your class.

If you have any questions, please contact