
Dominique Sleet
Curriculum Vitae
I went to Ursuline High School in Wimbledon, I then went to study Natural Sciences at Reading University during which I focused on maths, biology and science communication.
11 GCSES, 4 A Levels and a BSc in Natural Sciences.
Work History:
I was a checkout assistant at a supermarket whilst I was studying. My first job after university, was as a charity street fundraiser for a whole week which I absolutely hated and wasn't very good at so got promptly fired. My first career job was working at the Science Museum in London where I started work as an Explainer. I absolutely loved this job. I got to explain the science behind lots of different interactive science exhibits and I learnt to overcome my fear of public speaking and perform shows in front of hundreds of people. I stayed at teh Science Museum for 7 years and progressed to become a manager of the Explainers and the interactive galleries. I then left to join the Royal Institution where I've worked for the past 3 years.
Current Job:
Maths Masterclass Coordinator
The Royal Institution
About Me
I work at the Royal Institution in the education department. My normal role is organising Maths Masterclasses for students but for the past 3 months I have been working behind the scenes on the Christmas Lectures.
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I live in South East London having grown up in South London. I work at the Royal Institution in central London and my normal commute involves a walk and getting the boat the work. I enjoy arts and crafts, I’m not typically a sporty person but in recent years have taken up bouldering which I find both fun and terrifying. For my last holiday I visited CERN which was absolutely incredible and blew my mind how clever humanity can be.
How I Use Maths In My Job:
For the past 3 months I have been working behind the scenes on the Christmas Lectures. I’ve been working together with the Ri and the production team to help brainstorm ideas for content and accompanying demonstrations, helping to find contributers as well as working with the wonderful Dr Hannah fry herself. If you watch the lectures you’ll see me on the front row in the middle of the theatre with a laptop as I was also responsible for Hannah’s script prompts to ensure we didn’t forget anything.
In my usual role, I am part of the Masterclass team at the Royal Institution. The Masterclasses are series of interactive and in depth workshops in mathematics, computer science and engineering that teachers can nominate students to attend. I deliver some of these workshops myself exploring topics such as infinity with secondary students or networks or number bases with primary students. However I also work with lots of experts from industry, academia and education to help them to develop and deliver workshops themselves on a huge range of mathematical topics.
My Work
Christmas Lectures Assistant and Organiser of Maths Masterclasses.
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For my role as Christmas Lectures, I worked alongside the Ri demo team and the production team to brainstorm ideas for content and accompanying demonstrations. I would also help contact potential contributers to the lectures. If you watch the lectures you’ll see me sat in the front row of the theatres with a laptop as I was also responsible for Hannah’s prompts to make sure she didn’t forget anything.
For my role as Masterclass Coordinator, much of my time is spent actually organising the Masterclasses, talking to teachers and parents to make sure we have students signed up to attend. I also work closely with our network of speakers to ensure we have a good programme of workshops ans as part of that, I also spend a good deal of time recruiting and training new speakers, supporting them to develop and deliver their own Masterclasses and offering them feedback on their activities and resources. I also often go out and actually deliver the Masterclasses to different Masterclass groups across the country.
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As the Christmas Lectures Assistant, there was no suhc thing as a typical day. During the week of filming and rehearsals we would often work 9am – 9pm but it wasn’t always quite that crazy.
As a Masterclass coordinator I generally work 9 – 5 but working Tuesday to Saturday. On Saturdays I get to venture out of the office and travel across London and the rest of the UK either delivering Masterclasses or watching our speakers deliver the Masterclasses. Back in the office, do send rather a lot of emails and working with the rest of the Masterlcass team to plan events.
The CHRISTMAS LECTURE related to my work:
My Interview
My favourite CHRISTMAS LECTURES memory is:
I loved meeting the dogs at this year's Christmas Lectures! Bobby the Komondor (mop) dog was amazing!
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
nerd, baker, communicator.
What or who inspired you to follow your career?
Most of my family and friends didn't really like science but somehow I've always really like science and maths and so pursued it anyway.
What's your favourite use for maths in everyday life?
working out the best value for stuff when shopping. So many offers are misleading!
What did you think about Maths when you were in school?
I liked the logical nature of maths and the satisfaction of getting an answer.
What did you want to be after you left school?
I originally wanted to be a teacher but went into informal education instead.
Were you ever in trouble at school?
I was a bit of a goody two shoes, didn't like getting into trouble.
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
I love maths and science so think I'd always want to be working in that field.
Who is your favourite singer or band?
Tough - I've always loved Stereophonics but then Damian Rice.
What's your favourite food?
I love cheese!
What is the most fun thing you've done?
I visited CERN which was incredible!
Tell us a joke.
What did 0 say to 8? - Nice belt!