I'm a Mathematician: Supported by UKRI
Questions Answered by Christina
whats your faviourte part of maths?
by bobjection1317 and 5 others.
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Do you think AI et cetera will make the future better or worse?
by Keya and 1 other.
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whats your favourite book?
by drmidhat and 2 others.
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what do u do in your free time?
by bobjection1317 and 1 other.
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We often talk about the ‘accuracy’’ of weather predictions, and it’s been mentioned forecasting becomes one
by Bryn to Sophie, Roz, Christina
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How would you work out the probability of you being chosen, in a crowd of 342 when 7 people get chosen , as a percentage
by Bea to Sam, Dominique, Diana, Deirdre, Christina
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How can I become a professor, like you? Incredible job!!!
by Alex to Katie, Christina
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How can algorithms affect our everyday lives and the way we live?
by Magnus
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What did you take at GCSE?
by Milja and 3 others.
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When and how did you develop your love for maths?
by Abya and 11 others.
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