Natural Language Processing
These people are related to Natural Language Processing. Click to find out more and ASK them your questions. Find other areas in the menu.
Gary Munnelly
My Work: I'm a computer scientist working in Trinity College Dublin. I help computers to read, learn, and understand history.
Katie Atkinson
My Work: I am developing AI to help judges and lawyers.
Maja Popovic
My Work: Maths can be applied on languages (it is called Computational Linguistics or Natural Language Processing)
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were you known as a “nerd” at school?Latest Comment:
Favourite game (1 comments) -
Rob Stanley
My Work: I used mathematics, data, and experiments to help my company grow in the right direction
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How hard was it getting your final qualifications?Latest Comment:
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Andrew Harrison
My Work: Using data to help people make better decisions.
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Have you seen enigma code?Latest Comment:
Did you ever not enjoy maths? (1 comments)