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My Work: I'm a statistician so I try to solve problems by looking for patterns in large sets of data. Currently I work on UK Biobank, a collection of 500000...
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Latest Question:As a mathematician, do you think much about the longstanding debates about the philosophy of mathematics?
Latest Comment:is usa mathemeticians better than ones from the uk (1 comments)
My Work: I use mathematics to help doctors in the NHS make decisions
Latest Question:how important is maths in sport. .
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My Work: I use statistics to help others understand their work. I work primarily on collaborative projects - such as working on looking at different aspects...
Latest Question:What qualifications did you get?
Latest Comment:how have you helped farmers in Uganda? (1 comments)
My Work: How people decide when results of actions are uncertain
Latest Question:say, i wanted to become an economist or advisor for my friend who works as a fisherman, or in the entrepreneurial
Latest Comment:What is the process of programming a bots behaviour like? (1 comments)
My Work: I'm a statistician, and I work with lots of data
Latest Question:could spider mans web shooters soon be a real thing
My Work: My work is about finding patterns - basically I get paid for playing hide and seek.
Latest Question:what is the most interesting pattern you ever found on a object
My Work: Using data to help people make better decisions.
Latest Question:Have you seen enigma code?
Latest Comment:Did you ever not enjoy maths? (1 comments)
My Work: I study the transmission of infectious diseases in populations. My research aims to understand these processes enough in order to design better...
Latest Question:wot time do u go to work